A picnic affair

  ˈpik-(ˌ)nik an occasion when a packed meal is eaten outdoors, especially during an outing to the countryside: Origin: mid 18th century (denoting a social event at which each guest contributes a share of the food): from French pique-nique, of unknown origin We...

Tom Kha Gai Recipe

The recipe that are pairing with The Good Wine 2009 Riesling comes via our friend and newest Food Network personality Adam Hynam-Smith of el Gastrónomo Vagabundo – the “Tom Thumb” soup as Nicolette calls it – Tom Kha Gai (chicken and mushroom coconut soup).  It’s a...

When the stars align…that’s amore!

Sometimes the stars align and magic happens at The Good Earth. Last night was one of those special nights; one of those special evenings that make a smile appear from ear to ear and one’s heart sing with joy. Yesterday evening, one of our favourite guest chefs...