A Top Chef Lament

For those of you who know about  us at the Good Earth, you know we are obsessed about two things: good food, SYTYCD ( those of you in the know know what this acronym stands for) and TOP CHEF. This little diddy of a program comes on every Monday at 9 pm and we are sure...

Tough times to be a cheffer

This isn’t a blog about the economy or food trends or about the coming winter seriously inhibiting all of the 100 mile dieters out there. I say it’s a tough time to be a cheffer because I’m honestly starting to feel like a deathmonger.   Why?  I’m glad you asked.  I...

Food arrogance – a North American phenomenon?

Being in this business, I am always amazed at the degree of pickiness and arrogance people exhibit around their food choices.  Don’t get me wrong, I totally understand the need for caution if you happen to be one of those unfortunate people who will have airways seize...

Mia Michaels, unlike Gourmet, I will miss you.

Although this so NOT food related, I know we have many a fellow So You Think You Can Dance lover among the Earthlings out there. I am sad to see Ms. Michaels leave the show, but she is a big personality, with a lot of talent, and I think she is only right in wanting...

Simple Gifts…

It was my birthday this past weekend.  I’ve always loved that it falls in and around that glorious celebration of Thanksgiving. I hate to admit it but I have reached the stage in my life where I really don’t want or need anything for my birthday.  (I cringe at how I...

Free as a bird

The Good Earth really IS a little piece of paradise as I often say in describing what makes it special.  We are blessed with a display of natural beauty in our flora and fauna (and yes, I include my personal menagerie among that fauna!). We are particularly blessed...