Rite of passage

With Thanksgiving around the corner, my mother and I start with the annual discussions about when to host the feast and who is going to come etc. Despite the fact that my immediate family consists of my mother, me and then my cats, dogs and…chickens (if I am to...

It’s a sweet harvest this year!

Well it has been quite the summer of heat and sunshine. Throughout it all the bees from our two hives have been quietly buzzing away doing their thing. It has been a tonne of fun chatting with our “Good Earth Beekeepers” Dennis and Leslie of D’s...

Lazy, hazy, hungry days of August

It’s almost August, the month I am most nostalgic for when the midwinter doldrums hit. August is when summer is really SUMMER. It’s hot and the sunlight is angled and more golden, bleaching the landscape a bit yellow, like a faded Polaroid from my 70s childhood....


My father always describes our family as “cold-weather people. We can’t deal with heat”. Truer words were never spoken. I apologize to every guest who ever visits The Good Earth and has to watch the beads of sweat roll down my brow as I wax rhapsodic about our...