Easter is around the corner.  It’s my favourite holiday of the year.  I love the sense of renewal, the fresh pastel colours, smiling violas in my planters and bunnies…chocolate or fur!  It’s just such a lovely break from the dreariness of winter.

There is a simplicity and ease that comes with celebrating Easter.  We don’t put the same pressure on ourselves it seems as we do at Christmas and Thanksgiving where the meal is the test of a person’s worth!  It’s just a little less commercial and wee bit more relaxed.

This Easter venture down to The Good Earth and let us do the cooking!

We will be offering our special Easter menu Saturday, Sunday & Monday; March 26, 27 & 28.  Please note that we are CLOSED on Good Friday.

Check out the menu on our website https://goodearthfoodandwine.com/bistro/