I have to admit that I really like the whole idea about celebrating the arrival of the new year.  That is to say, I don’t like the false joviality of a raucous New Year’s Eve party complete with ridiculous hats, noisemakers and the inevitable drunken slobering idiot.

I like the idea of taking stock, or inventory if you will, of the year that has passed and tossing out the clutter both literally and figuretively and taking a clean slate and making a list of just 3 things that I would like to accomplish or change in the year ahead.  No life altering goals, just little things that are attainable and can make a difference to the quality of one’s life.

Over the next few weeks, I will be attacking all the spaces, cupboards, files, nooks and crannies in my personal world and The Good Earth and giving everything the “once over”.  Gone will be the clutter which I find very hard to deal with (I think it is a sign of mild claustrophobia in my case) and in will come clear space to allow me to breath!  I can’t wait to get started!

They say that what you do on the New Year’s Eve portends what you will be doing for the balance of the year.  So…make certain that you are ready!  I have to dash off and put on some dressier rags to get ready to host our annual New Year’s celebration at the Bistro.  I can’t think of anything better than being with my team and a great group of “earthlings” enjoying what The Good Earth is all about…good food, good wine and good friends!  If this is to be my fate for 2012, I say “BRING IT ON!”.

Wishing you all a great evening and most of all a fabulous 2012 filled with good health happiness and …a little Good Earth!
