by Peggy | Aug 31, 2010 | Good Food, Good Thoughts, Good Wine
As I sit here in my little non airconditioned cottage, it seems a tad ridiculous to write about the onset of fall. Judging from my cats (picture long, limp draft catchers or dead ants and you get the picture!) it must be upward of 36 degrees in my office. My little...
by Peggy | May 20, 2010 | Good Thoughts
In the midst of all the insane activity here at The Good Earth, I found myself one day humming I’ll get by with a little help from my friends from that old Beatles tune. It really should be the anthem for this winery project of mine. I am a great believer in...
by Peggy | May 3, 2010 | Good Food, Good Thoughts, Good Wine
Well I survived my “first date” with the new winery. The big day came complete with all the primping, preening and butterflies that go along with such a potentially life changing moment. Today, we hosted our first event in the new winery premises —...
by rosswise | Aug 18, 2009 | Good Wine
What comes first – the winery or the wine? It is going to be a close call I’d say, as in a little over a week, the 2008 Good Earth Chardonnay will be flowing into bottles. Nicolette has spoken very highly of her builder, but even he may struggle to beat...
by eyesonthegoodearth | Aug 17, 2009 | Good Wine
I sat at the winery construction site for a few hours this morning pondering the lack of animal life in this neck of the woods. What was once fertile hunting ground in now just some sterile concrete blocks. Oh well, doesn’t matter to me, I’m the lover not...