Baby Neva

Greetings from Babyland… as you may know already, little Neva Marie Mottiar was welcomed into this world on September 18th, at 8:10 pm. She weighed in at a petite 6 pounds 9 oz. THANK GOD! I had gone to the hospital on Friday afternoon with some minor contractions via...

Fresh from the oven!

For anyone who is an “earthling” or a regular at the winery patio, you will be delighted to hear that our eccentric and beloved Chef Isa DiIorio Mottiar and her handsome husband Shiraz have welcomed a lovely raven haired beauty into their lives.  On...

Shifting seasons and farewells

As I sit here in my little non airconditioned cottage, it seems a tad ridiculous to write about the onset of fall.  Judging from my cats (picture long, limp draft catchers or dead ants and you get the picture!) it must be upward of 36 degrees in my office.  My little...

Neurotic Cheffer

Last Tuesday I had the privilege of appearing alongside Bob Cowan on CHCH Morning Live to promote “The Good Book” (no, not the bible, our cookbook…mmmmm Sacri-licious).  I had appeared on CHCH once before and had vowed to come off as cool, witty and...

“Have a great weekend…see you tomorrow!”

It’s been a wee bit like Groundhog Day here at The Good Earth as we move from one great event to another.  Just this evening as Patrick and I bid each other adieu he uttered the ridiculous phrase, “Have a great weekend.  See you tomorrow!” ...