by Peggy | Aug 8, 2009 | Good Wine
Just got the official word last night that all building permits are in hand and we are “full steam ahead” on Monday! I am excited and a bit terrified. I imagine this may be a little like your first hard core labour pains– baby’s in the birth canal and there is no...
by eyesonthegoodearth | Aug 5, 2009 | Good Wine
Should Nicolette Novak have her head examined? Only time will tell as the Good Earth Vineyard and Winery begins to take shape. On July 28, 2009 the enormous yellow backhoe trundled down to the end of our dusty laneway and all hell broke loose. Down came the...
by eyesonthegoodearth | Aug 2, 2009 | Good Food
There are still a few spots left for the delecTable SUMMER dinner. This is the trifecta of dining! Each course will include 3 variations on the main ingredient – leaving you to decide which of the three will Win, Place, and Show. You can expect a good old country...