Shifting seasons and farewells

As I sit here in my little non airconditioned cottage, it seems a tad ridiculous to write about the onset of fall.  Judging from my cats (picture long, limp draft catchers or dead ants and you get the picture!) it must be upward of 36 degrees in my office.  My little...

I’m Baaaaack

Alright, so I’ve taken some time off.  Not from work of course,  just from communications.  So here’s a brief summary and thought collection from the three weeks of crazy that have preceded this brain dump. The big wedding that had been nibbling at the...

Picture Perfect…

I’m still basking in the good vibes which enveloped the wedding of good friends Sarah & Jim this past Saturday. The wedding which took place on the Andrewes Family Farm is about as close to being picture perfect as one can dream.  From the setting, the...