What’s for dinner?

What’s for dinner?  Well if anything, this sudden leap into fall has shown me the question really should be- “what’s the weather forecast?”! Little over a week ago I sat in my desk silently melting as I chatted to our good friend James Chatto...

Shifting seasons and farewells

As I sit here in my little non airconditioned cottage, it seems a tad ridiculous to write about the onset of fall.  Judging from my cats (picture long, limp draft catchers or dead ants and you get the picture!) it must be upward of 36 degrees in my office.  My little...

Harvest 2009

It is official, the 2nd annual Good Earth grape harvest has come to an end!  Well, the harvesting side of things is over anyway.  The yeast still have a bit of work to do yet, but I’m not going to rush them.  Good things take time. And who am I to put pressure...

Harvest Top 10

Here’s tonight’s top 10 list ladies and gentlemen – Top 10 reasons Ross loves harvest: 10. I get to spend three weeks smashing grapes – the same grapes that the Vineyard Manager has spent six months working feverishly hard to keep intact and healthy. 9. It is...

DelecTable SUMMER dinner

There are still a few spots left for the delecTable SUMMER dinner. This is the trifecta of dining! Each course will include 3 variations on the main ingredient – leaving you to decide which of the three will Win, Place, and Show. You can expect a good old country...

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