by kitchenwenchen | Jun 27, 2013 | Good Food, Good Wine
“The kitchen is a country in which there are always discoveries to be made.” Grimod de la Reynière (1758-1838) This June marked the second year of The Good Earth’s participation in the Niagara Wine Festival’s New Vintage Discovery Pass program. We LOVE...
by goodearthfoodandwine | Dec 3, 2011 | Good Wine
“I warned you about that brutally honest trait in Novak, right? OK, here we go. She calls this mainly Cabernet Franc-based rosé The Panty Remover (her words!).‘You can’t only have one glass and with 13% alcohol, it gets you to your desired destination.’ ” –...
by Peggy | Oct 18, 2010 | Good Food, Good Times
We harvested the last of our grapes this week — well almost the last. We still have a few rows of Cabernet Franc hanging on until that magic date, November 15th when we can make our first late harvest wine! It was a beautiful sunny, autumn day as I joined the...
by Peggy | Oct 8, 2010 | Uncategorized
It has been a horrible week here in wine country with cold, wet, miserable weather. Thankfully I woke up today to find a clear blue sky and bright sunshine. Now that’s more like it! The grape harvest is full on! Our “Grape Crusader” Chris Andrewes...
by Peggy | Jul 21, 2010 | Good Times
This is about the 10th time that I have tried to sit down and throw some thoughts out about this summer and all the activities at The Good Earth. Unfortunately, it seems that between the classes, caterings, people popping in to visit us and midnight rendezvous’...