Four large, masculine, and somewhat hairy men were gathered around after a fifteen hour day of preparing wine to be bottled.  It was decided that we should taste this Good Earth Chardonnay on the eve of its bottling date.  After much glass swirling, long blank stares and a few sniffing and slurping sounds, the question was asked……..”well, what do you think”.

The answer was unnanimous – “it’s really pretty”.  A little surprised to hear such a descriptor coming from the testosterone filled room, I re-examined the wine.  Sure enough, this was indeed a really pretty Chardonnay.

So after a solid three hours sleep, we returned to work on Wednesday to go about capturing the pretty essence of the inaugural Good Earth Chardonnay in bottle.  I  sent the message to the Good Earth team that bottling was underway.  Before Patrick could even arrive with the camera, every last drop was bottled.  It was all over in a little more than an hour.  All Patrick found was an empty tank, a few blurry eyed blokes, and roughly 2500 bottles of Chardonnay.  Good Earth Chardonnay, that is.