Last Tuesday I had the privilege of appearing alongside Bob Cowan on CHCH Morning Live to promote “The Good Book” (no, not the bible, our cookbook…mmmmm Sacri-licious). I had appeared on CHCH once before and had vowed to come off as cool, witty and collected. It was also my birthday (“oh, happy birthday cheffer“-“why thank you very much everybody”) and I was coming off of a very intensive holiday weekend here at The Good Earth (see Nicolette’s blog “‘Have a great weekend…see you tomorrow!”).
So, there was some confusion as to the details of my appearance and it wasn’t until early Monday morning that I had finally touched base with Carla, a lovely producer over at the old CH squared. I got the timing from her and she informed me that she would forward the necessary information and details to my e-mail. After assuring her that I would read said e-mail post-haste, I promptly went about my day.
The following is a verbatim copy of the e-mail that I fired off to Carla at a little after 1:00 am, or roughly seven hours before my Morning Live appearance…
Hi Carla – Good Morning. Here’s a funny one.
I especially like the part of your e-mail that says “The guest will also have to do their own hair and make up prior to the interview, as unfortunately we don’t have those facilities available to guess of Morning Live.”
I now recall that my memories of the soft and comfy make-up chair from my first and only other appearance on CHCH were those from a Mid Day Show appearance, not a Morning Live appearance.
Now, I’m still not entirely sure that I believe in Karma, but I do believe that I must have really done something wrong to have earned this two-toned half sunburned forehead. On my Birthday. When I go on TV.
So I will bring a bandana with me. I may feel the need to wear it. I may still look like a lobster, but at least not a striped one.
I do ask a small favour, one which I understand may seem a little strange, and no problem if it’s no dice. My wife is up North until tomorrow and every other female I know is asleep and will continue to be asleep until I make my appearance on your show. I don’t know the first thing about make-up and it’s application, nor do I know where my wife would keep her ‘back-up’ make-up (if such a thing exists). If you or someone you know has or has access to some sort of make-up and can assist me in applying it so as for me to not look like Ronald McDonald in drag it would be greatly appreciated. Like I said, if not, no big deal. I can wear my bandana, and this may make for a funny anecdote while I cut tomatoes and cook bacon.
See you a little after 7!!!!!!!
Yeah, I’m a neurotic dork.
The good news to finish the story is that the Italian came out in me during the night and my lobsterific sunburn morphed itself into a great tan, and the stripe across my forehead became hardly noticeable. So, while the result was much ado about nothing, I re-read my panicked e-mail to Carla, laughed at myself (there is no humour quite like self-deprecating humour), and thought “this would make one helluva good blog”.
You can either laugh with me or at me – your choice. Chow!