I love thanksgiving — partly because my birthday falls around or on the big weekend of food excess.  But I truly love the concept of stopping for a moment to give thanks for the embarassment of riches in my life and in the country that we live in.

So in no uncertain order and with little fanfare here is my THANK YOU list:

an incredible summer and harvest with just the right amount of rain and sunshine

a great team of dedicated and whacky staff who work harder than people know to make The Good Earth seem so easy going and welcoming

Ross, Chris, Dre and all the hands that tend, harvest, manipulate and cajole the grapes that ultimately become The Good Wine

all our loyal supporters — those marvelous “earthlings” that come back time and time again and spread the word with such joy

my friends who help me in so many ways to keep me smiling, feed me, encourage, and offer honest suggestions and generally make up my band of personal cheerleaders (yes, it does seem at times like I am living a never-ending marathon)

my health — thank God that I drew a good, solid central European gene pool with work mule properties!

my furry menagerie that stand in for the children I have never and will never have– loyal, patient and good for keeping my blood pressure in check

my family who put up with my neurosis, moods and care for me in so many ways — particularly my mother who bears the brunt of my bad moods and hysterical rants

a country in which I am free to express myself and explore all that I can be, where all the abundance it offers is often taken for granted

So, as we all gather around a table this weekend with families and/or friends let’s take a moment to stop and think of all that if good in our world.  No matter how stressful things seem to be, if we just stop for a moment and take an inventory of things, there is always lots to be thankful for.

Happy Thanksgiving!