I have been silent on the blog front for which I apologize. Life at The Good Earth has kicked into an insane level of busy as we prepare to open our winery in about two months time; sometime in mid May. The “to do” list grows daily, as do the tasks crossed off. Just as one item gets crossed off, another three get added. I will admit to the occasional panic attack when I worry that we will never be ready!! But we will be and I can’t wait to welcome you all!!
Construction is almost complete and I LOVE the winery! It’s really a beautiful building, full of light and warmth…and a good vibe. With the really heavy lifting over, I am starting into the fun stuff – decorating.
For those of you who have been to the cooking school, you will know that I have a weakness for yellow on my walls. My friends are always teasing me about how whenever I have to choose a colour to paint a room, I gravitate to yellow. Not just any yellow mind you, but a sunny yellow as warm and comforting as a bright summer day!
Recently, I went off to our local Benjamin Moore store to take a stab at finding the right colour for our new winery. While I know that my house and cooking school walls are either BM #311 or 310 on the yellow colour palette, I was determined to step outside my comfort zone and actually consider something else. I brought home a number of colour samples only to end up choosing…you got it yellow. Not just any yellow, but a wonderfully creamy and warm yellow fittingly called “sweet butter”. I felt it was just meant to be!
While I was at it, I decided that the cupboards in the cooking school really needed a fresh coat of paint. The colour we used the last time around was frankly just a tad too ‘salmony’ so off I went again and found a darker tone which is called ‘salsa’. All of a sudden it dawned on me that there was something really quite wonderful happening in the world of decorating. The most wonderful colours have names straight from our recipe books! The winery walls were painted with a second coat of a lighter yellow ‘buttercream’. Our previous cupboard colour was ‘jewelled peach’, our bathroom ‘nacho cheese’ and so on.
I have always said that food is what we share in common as members of the human race. It’s what brings us together in celebration and sadness. It’s central to all we do. And now it appears, it’s central to how we decorate too! Whether you paint your room ‘spiced pumpkin’, ‘orange creamsicle’, ‘dried parsley’, ‘icing on the cake’, ‘chocolate sundae’ or ‘salmon mousse’, it would seem that the paint companies have latched onto our love of food. It’s not difficult to imagine what those colours will look like. In fact, you can almost smell and taste them given these wonderful names.
Can’t wait to have you out to the new winery…just don’t lick the ‘buttercream’ walls.