Ok, those who know me well know that I hate to get up on my soap box to rant and complain.

Ok, now I’ll pause for a moment for those who know me well to stop laughing and calling Bull$#!t.

So I’m at home last night and I pop open a jar of store-bought tomato sauce (don’t you judge me).  It was for the kiddies (again, don’t you judge me).  I was disappointed as one particular flavour permeated and quite frankly destroyed all others.

Dried Basil.

Folks, use dried Thyme all winter long.  Dried Sage?  Reminds me of childhood.  Heck, I sometimes prefer dried oregano to fresh (again with the judging).  Dried Rosemary we’ll talk about some other time, but PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don’t ever use dried basil.  I personally feel that it is the single worst ingredient on the planet.  And I’ve eaten Marmite.

Anyway, feel free to ignore me- my family and closest friends are getting the hang of it- but pretty please with sugar on top, go now to your kitchen, and throw out your dried Basil. Then come back and tell me that you have sipped the Patrick koolaid. If you have a dried herb story to share, wade in and give us the gory details.
