It’s about the birds and the bees!

Spring or to be quite specific, “blossom time” in the Twenty Valley, is absolutely my FAVOURITE time of the year!  I wait for this little piece of heaven to unfold with great anticipation.  The first signs that the greatest show on earth is about to...

Sweet, sparkling, sensational…

It’s official!  The thick blanket of snow and double digit windchill temperatures  (I used to date a German chap who was convinced that it was “windshield” reading!!!) means it is time to head off to Main Street in Jordan Village and celebrate the...

Come to the WineFest and have a bowl – oops I mean ball!

Every year at this time, I nervously scan all the weather channels and websites to find the one that will lie about the weather.  Why, you may ask?  Well this weekend coming up (January 16 & 17) is traditionally Icewine Festival in Jordan.  For the past several...

A few of my favourite things…

O.K.  I Just realized  I’ve quoted  ‘The Sound of Music’ in my post title, but I’m comfortable with it. I’ve had a few random thoughts, theories, tips, and opinions rolling around in my head and quite frankly I believe they are starting to block new information from...

Jammin’ with Elizabeth Baird

Got to hit the sack and catch some shut eye.  Good friend Elizabeth Baird is coming down tomorrow to make some yummy old fashioned, 100% natural, super deeeelicious apricot jam with me.  This jam is the extended Novak family favourite hands down!  Elizabeth has been a...