by Peggy | Jun 29, 2010 | Good Food, Good Thoughts, Good Weddings, Good Wine
I should be tackling the backlog of paperwork on my desk, but this evening finds me exhausted…but contentedly so. It has been a week long celebration of love here at The Good Earth. Maybe our garden of paradise is responsible for the rash of...
by Peggy | May 31, 2010 | Good Times
It’s hard to fathom that we’ve only just finished the month of May. The summer-like temperatures this Spring have made it feel like we are in mid-summer. I am certainly not complaining. Give me this type of heat over the wet, cold and miserable weather...
by Peggy | May 20, 2010 | Good Thoughts
In the midst of all the insane activity here at The Good Earth, I found myself one day humming I’ll get by with a little help from my friends from that old Beatles tune. It really should be the anthem for this winery project of mine. I am a great believer in...
by cheffer | Apr 16, 2010 | Good Food
I’m having a great weekend. My oldest friend (day 1, grade 1) is back in town for 3 weeks. Brian Hamilton (pronounced ‘brianhamilton’ as though all one word) has been living and working in Seoul, South Korea for the better part of the last six...
by Peggy | Apr 15, 2010 | Good Thoughts
I just got back from a quick few days in BC. The excuse for the journey to “Lotus Land” or the “Left Coast” was to celebrate a very good friend’s inauguration into the ‘Half Century’ club. Plans for this weekend were made via e-mail between “moi” and the “gang...