A “I’m sooooo done…” farewell

As an avid lover of classical music, I often revel in the chords of “Ashokan Farewell”, written in 1982 by Jay Unger.  It was used the following year as the theme music for The Civil War TV series.  I heard it again this morning and well…I guess...

Tickled pink!

This is about the 10th time that I have tried to sit down and throw some thoughts out about this summer and all the activities at The Good Earth.  Unfortunately, it seems that between the classes, caterings, people popping in to visit us and midnight rendezvous’...

I’m Baaaaack

Alright, so I’ve taken some time off.  Not from work of course,  just from communications.  So here’s a brief summary and thought collection from the three weeks of crazy that have preceded this brain dump. The big wedding that had been nibbling at the...

The latest releases…..

We thought we would give you an extra reason to celebrate Canada Day, as today we release the latest members of our Good Wine family. Firstly, The Good Earth Cabernet Franc 2008.  After months of going into hiding every time the word bottling was mentioned, our...

food and wine – a marriage made in heaven?

Well it’s official!  Our Chef Isa DiIorio, known to you as “chickwithtongs” has tied the knot.  Late this afternoon, a small group of family and close friends gathered beside a willow curtained pond on the Beamsville Bench to bear witness to the...

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