by eyesonthegoodearth | Sep 19, 2009 | Good Wine
In our first installment of how to build a winery and not lose your marbles, you may remember me flippantly using words such as fun and frivolous, but do you remember the operative word??? If memory serves correctly, it was daunting. Trust me on this one, daunting...
by eyesonthegoodearth | Aug 17, 2009 | Good Wine
I sat at the winery construction site for a few hours this morning pondering the lack of animal life in this neck of the woods. What was once fertile hunting ground in now just some sterile concrete blocks. Oh well, doesn’t matter to me, I’m the lover not...
by chickwithtongs | Aug 15, 2009 | Good Food, Good Wine
Well today was definately one of the HOTTEST days in the kitchen this year, there is no doubt. Luckily I can stand the heat , and whether I want to or notI have no choice but to stay in the kitchen. No leaving until I’m done. I was not as hot as the poor guys...
by Peggy | Aug 13, 2009 | Good Food, Good Wine
Made a deeelicious batch of apricot jam with Elizabeth Baird on Tuesday. She inspired me to try mixing apricots with my favourite early golden plums! Yum! I have a pot ready to go tomorrow. Had a GREAT lunch together at The Kitchen House, Ross and Wendy...
by Peggy | Aug 8, 2009 | Good Wine
Just got the official word last night that all building permits are in hand and we are “full steam ahead” on Monday! I am excited and a bit terrified. I imagine this may be a little like your first hard core labour pains– baby’s in the birth canal and there is no...