So, what have you been up to?

I realized to my own horror that I’ve been silent on the blog front for quite some time.   By ‘realized’ I mean ‘pleasantly reminded’ by my boss.  As in “hey you twit, blog something would ya’?!?!”  So, in honour of every billboard that I’ve ever seen reading:  “My...

A Canadian Blogger in Paris

Ok, not Paris, but how about Bouchon in Yountville, California? This French style bistro that according to Nicolette is bang-on and text-book perfect in its imitation of a classic Parisian bistro was the site of dinner number two in Napa for this Chickwithtongs and...

California dreamin’

Just got back from a whirlwind 3 days of intensive wine and food sleuthing in Napa & Sonoma.  The weather was lovely and the landscape golden with the grapevines in resplendent hues of gold, orange and red.  The purpose of the trip was to take a peak at a few...

Lovers may come & and go, but recipes…

Once upon a time, I fell hopelessly in love with… well, a bit of a cad.  Though the relationship fell apart and my heart was broken to smithereens I did come out with a few valuable lessons – the art of traveling in style, a heightened appreciation for great...

Full steam ahead?

In our first installment of  how to build a winery and not lose your marbles, you may remember me flippantly using words such as fun and frivolous, but do you remember the operative word??? If memory serves correctly, it was daunting. Trust me on this one, daunting...