“Have a great weekend…see you tomorrow!”

It’s been a wee bit like Groundhog Day here at The Good Earth as we move from one great event to another.  Just this evening as Patrick and I bid each other adieu he uttered the ridiculous phrase, “Have a great weekend.  See you tomorrow!” ...

Patio Time

It’s hard to fathom that we’ve only just finished the month of May.  The summer-like temperatures this Spring have made it feel like we are in mid-summer.  I am certainly not complaining.  Give me this type of heat over the wet, cold and miserable weather...

With a little help from my friends

In the midst of all the insane activity here at The Good Earth, I found myself one day humming I’ll get by with a little help from my friends from that old Beatles tune.  It really should be the anthem for this winery project of mine.  I am a great believer in...