by Peggy | Mar 16, 2012 | Good Food
You would think that with a name like Novak that I don’t have an ounce of Irish blood. Believe it or not I am one-quarter Irish. Like many Canadians, I am a bit of a Heinz 57 — half Czech, quarter Hungarian and the finally a shot of Irish — quite the...
by chickwithtongs | Oct 20, 2009 | Good Thoughts
Although this so NOT food related, I know we have many a fellow So You Think You Can Dance lover among the Earthlings out there. I am sad to see Ms. Michaels leave the show, but she is a big personality, with a lot of talent, and I think she is only right in wanting...
by chickwithtongs | Oct 15, 2009 | Good Thoughts
I too saw that Gourmet has ceased to exist, I am more so not that sad to see it leave the stands as you may have noticed by my Twitter the day it occurred. I do understand it was around for some 68 years, and that is sad, as it would be to see Reader’s Digest...