A “I’m sooooo done…” farewell

As an avid lover of classical music, I often revel in the chords of “Ashokan Farewell”, written in 1982 by Jay Unger.  It was used the following year as the theme music for The Civil War TV series.  I heard it again this morning and well…I guess...

food and wine – a marriage made in heaven?

Well it’s official!  Our Chef Isa DiIorio, known to you as “chickwithtongs” has tied the knot.  Late this afternoon, a small group of family and close friends gathered beside a willow curtained pond on the Beamsville Bench to bear witness to the...

First date

Well I survived my “first date” with the new winery.  The big day came complete with all the primping, preening and butterflies that go along with such a potentially life changing moment. Today, we hosted our first event in the new winery premises —...