Well today was definately one of the HOTTEST days in the kitchen this year, there is no doubt. Luckily I can stand the heat , and whether I want to or notI have no choice but to stay in the kitchen. No leaving until I’m done. I was not as hot as the poor guys working on the new winery though. They were laying concrete at the site, and they did revel in a small “hose” shower when it was all over. Sheepishly I admit to having peeked just a little from my position at the kitchen sink window. 🙂

Under the Twenty Valley sun, the concrete gets poured

Nicolette having a beer and hanging with the cement pourers

cooling off under the hose
Well, it’s late, and I usually reserve twenty bedtime minutes to read an excellent book about food and how it affects us emotionally, and how we as North Americans are SOOOO obsessed by it. But alas, I shall have to blog about that at another time. Until then, in the words of Miss Piggy, “never eat more then you can lift”.