Today, we hosted our first event in the new winery premises — our delecTable Spring Lunch–complete with our first, hand labeled and recently bottled wine. The name you ask? Well, “the good wine” of course. After several weeks of high anxiety and herculean effort by the whole team (thank you Bob, Patrick and our team of helpers for getting the sod laid in time) we set the tables, arranged the flowers, polished our glasses, put some bottles on the shelves, hung up pictures, swept and cleaned and…opened our doors to our first guests! It was lovely to have such a warm gathering of supportive “earthlings” to share our day with. The sun shone, Cheffer and Chick with Tongs — Isa and Patrick, outdid themselves with an incredible (worth getting fat for) menu and a great time was had by all!!
As with any “first date” there was the usual “dance” — getting to know each other, our idiosyncracies and blemishes. It was a great test run for how the building works, how we work in it and what needs to be reconsidered. All things being equal, I am happy to report that there was a special chemistry, a certain spark that …warrants exploring this relationship in more depth. A second date is certainly in order. I have a feeling that this is going to be a great relationship which will stand the test of time! The best news of all is that I won’t be left sitting by the phone wondering if “he’ll” call. My “date” is just a heartbeat or two away from me. Stay tuned!