Lazy, hazy, hungry days of August

It’s almost August, the month I am most nostalgic for when the midwinter doldrums hit. August is when summer is really SUMMER. It’s hot and the sunlight is angled and more golden, bleaching the landscape a bit yellow, like a faded Polaroid from my 70s childhood....


My father always describes our family as “cold-weather people. We can’t deal with heat”. Truer words were never spoken. I apologize to every guest who ever visits The Good Earth and has to watch the beads of sweat roll down my brow as I wax rhapsodic about our...

A tale of two panty removers…

 “I warned you about that brutally honest trait in Novak, right? OK, here we go. She calls this mainly Cabernet Franc-based rosé The Panty Remover (her words!).‘You can’t only have one glass and with 13% alcohol, it gets you to your desired destination.’ ” –...