When the stars align…that’s amore!

Sometimes the stars align and magic happens at The Good Earth. Last night was one of those special nights; one of those special evenings that make a smile appear from ear to ear and one’s heart sing with joy. Yesterday evening, one of our favourite guest chefs...

Lazy, hazy, hungry days of August

It’s almost August, the month I am most nostalgic for when the midwinter doldrums hit. August is when summer is really SUMMER. It’s hot and the sunlight is angled and more golden, bleaching the landscape a bit yellow, like a faded Polaroid from my 70s childhood....

And the heat goes on…

Well it has been one heck of a summer so far!  It seems like it has been summer since about Easter with a few (probably not more than 10) days of cooler weather.  I’m not complaining.  I am one of those weirdos that loves heat and humidity BUT…endless days...


My father always describes our family as “cold-weather people. We can’t deal with heat”. Truer words were never spoken. I apologize to every guest who ever visits The Good Earth and has to watch the beads of sweat roll down my brow as I wax rhapsodic about our...