It’s the most wonderful time of the year…and no, I am not referring to the back to school euphoria that has so many parents beaming with delight!

With ripening almost complete in the vineyards and bird bangers echoing their sweet refrain in the countryside — harvest 2011 is revving up in vineyards all over Niagara!

Yesterday saw a filthy but totally elated Winemaker Dre buzzing about like a bee in her hive organizing, cleaning and generally feathering her nest or in this case preparing our winery for the beginning of harvest.  As the little tykes headed off for the start of another school year, we were be busy bottling the last of our 2010 wines, making room for the new harvest.  When you are a wee winery like we are, it really is a bit of a dance — making certain that there is a barrel, tank, demi-john for every drop of juice we press.

It’s a bittersweet season for me since I adore the heat and sunshine of the summer months.  I would be lying though if I didn’t admit that I am starting to hanker for a wee slowing of the pace…something that believe it or not happens despite the start of the grape harvest!  I have always thought that working with nature is such a zen-like activity.  Nothing is better than really letting yourself go and embracing the pace of the seasons as they blend so seamlessly from one to another.

Next week we start our 2011 vintage and judging from how things are shaping up (I am whispering this under my breath, hoping to keep the rain away!!), it promises to be stellar.  Winemaker Dre is in her element — dirty, smiling and our winery is as clean as a whistle,( thanks to Dre’s new ultra deluxe power washer which she talked me into purchsing for her!).  New barrels have been purchased, yeasts have been arriving in special packages and soon the excitment will gave way to long, hard days of frenetic but happy activity.

There is something undeniably energizing about the onset of the harvest and particularly the grape harvest.  Yes indeed, it’s the most wonderful time of the year!